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The Cherry Orchard by St Dunstan's College in London, Greater London

What To Know About This Production

Russia, 1904. Ranyevskaya and her brother snub the lucrative scheme of a local entrepreneur to save their family estate. In so doing, they put up their lives up for auction and jeopardise the future of their beloved cherry orchard

Performance Dates

  • Dec 2 Monday 7:00 PM
  • Dec 3 Tuesday 7:00 PM

Auditions For The Cherry Orchard

What To Expect At Auditions

Audition Times

  • Sep 16 Monday 1:30 PM
  • Sep 17 Tuesday 1:30 PM

Audition Form

Cast List For The Cherry Orchard

Available Roles

  • Mrs Liubov Ranevskaya Andreevna - A Landowner
  • Anya - Liubov's daughter
  • Varya - Liubov's adopted daughter
  • Leonid Gaev Andreevich - Liubov's brother
  • Yermolai Lopakhin - A businessman
  • Pyotr Trofimov Sergeevich - A student
  • Boris Simeonov-Pishchik Borisovich - A Landowner
  • Charlotta Ivanovna - An au pair
  • Semyon Yepikhodov Panteleevich - An accounting clerk
  • Dunyasha - A Maid
  • Firs Nikolaevna - An old servant
  • Yasha - A hanger-on
  • A homeless boy

Cast List

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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