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Company by IODS Productions in Ilford, Essex

What To Know About This Production

Details about this production have not been posted. Contact IODS Productions directly if you have questions.

Performance Dates

  • May 15 Thursday 7:30 PM
  • May 16 Friday 7:30 PM
  • May 17 Saturday 7:30 PM
  • May 18 Sunday 3:00 PM

Auditions For Company

What To Expect At Auditions

Welcome to your audition for Company! The auditions will be really relaxed, we're not here to catch you out - we want you to have as much fun as possible! Please prepare the required audition material provided. Auditions will last approximately 5 minutes. In that time, we will ask you to sing the audition song and perform the audition script. Our MD will be present to play the music and we will have someone on the panel who will read in any parts opposite you. Please arrive around 10 minutes prior to your audition time to give yourself time to prepare. We will call you in one by one for your audition. Once the audition is over, you're free to go. Enjoy this time performing to us, break a leg and smash it!

The audition form is not yet posted.

Audition Times

  • Jan 23 Thursday 7:40 PM

Cast List For Company

Available Roles

  • Robert (M) - Baritone. 30 – 40. The story's protagonist, a keen observer who appears to be happy. He is the only one in his circle still single. Terrified of marriage, but fears a lifetime of loneliness.
  • Sarah (F) - Alto, 30 – 40. Harry's hypercritical wife. She is an avid learner of karate and tends to overeat. Open, accepting, and loving.
  • Harry (M) - Baritone, 30 – 45. Sarah's husband. He is a recovering alcoholic. Believes the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages.
  • Susan (F) - Mezzo, 25 – 35. A delicate southern belle. Peter's wife and ex-wife. Motherly in her affections towards Robert.
  • Peter (M) - Baritone, 25 – 35. Susan's husband. The perfect husband and ex- husband. He is very liberal in his view of relationships.
  • Jenny (F) - Soprano, 30 – 45. Quietly manipulative, simultaneously square and wise. Loves her husband, David, and will indulge him from time to time.
  • David (M) - Tenor, 30 – 45. Jenny's husband; relaxed and always in control. Believes a man should be married and that the sacrifice of freedom is worth what you get in return.
  • Amy (F) - Alto, 25 – 40. A frantic neurotic engaged to Paul but terrified of marriage. After a mental breakdown, she finally realises that Paul is, in fact, her soulmate.
  • Paul (M) - Tenor, 25 – 40. Amy's fiancé. Patient with her neurotic nature. Fully commits to the idea of marriage and encourages Robert to do the same.
  • Joanne (F) - Alto, 45 – 65. Acerbic and demanding. Too old to be part of the young crowd but would not fit well with the older crowd. Puts on a brassy front that melts when she is alone with her husband, Larry.
  • Larry (M) - Tenor, 45 – 65. Joanne's husband. Stoic and centered, but has moments of goofiness. Indulges his wife's behaviour but knows when to put his foot down.
  • Marta (F) - Mezzo, 25 – 35. A girlfriend of Robert's. Intensely modern, seeking adventure and excitement in the City.
  • Kathy (F) - Mezzo, 30 – 40. A former girlfriend of Robert's, now considered a good friend. She plans to leave the City for a life of domesticity. Sweet and loving.
  • April (F) - Mezzo, 21 – 30. A girlfriend of Robert's. She is a flight attendant who came to New York to live in Radio City. Ditzy and adorable.

Cast List

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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